This rare survivor of the early industrialization of the Blackstone Valley was originally built by George Olney in 1812 and later changed hands when Arnold Moffett, Jr. purchased it in 1850. This machine shop produced wagons, carriages, wooden boxes, shoe laces, along with various tools and parts needed by local farmers.

By the turn of the century, the Mill closed and was left virtually the way it was during its last day of business. A visit to the Mill is like seeing the inside of a time capsule, with many of the original contents still in place. The Mill is only accessible by shuttle van on dates when Hearthside is open for tours on select dates when Hearthside is open.


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The sites are not open on a regular schedule but on the dates listed on our calendars. Updates to this website are made for openings at each of the four locations. Be sure to check out the Calendars for each before planning a visit.